Hello World

May 04, 2021

Welcome to my blog! This is kinda my first post. (But not actually, stay tuned!) I’m Yasamin, a Front-end developer disguised as a Mobile app developer for professional reasons. 😁

I decided to write this post as a starting point for this blog and introduce it a bit.

What will you find in this blog?

Well, I have tons of ideas I would love to write about. But for now, the content will be around React/React Native development. Articles such as tutorials and how-tos. And maybe sometimes some vanilla JavaScript techniques and gotchas.

But who knows? Maybe I will learn new languages and technologies in the future, and include those here as well! I would be thrilled to share all of my technical passions here with you all!

Development and nothing else?!

No, I can’t promise everything would be about technical and hard skills all the way around. I’m an avid fan of routines and habits in my professional and personal life. So every once in a while I may write about the techniques I use to achieve a productive and happy life. (Which are two interchangeable terms for me!).

And maybe sometimes I will write about soft skills at work if I find out I’ve got something to say in these matters as well.

How is this blog made?

This blog is created using the amazing Gatsby! And in particular, I have used this starter template to bootstrap my process. Which I found to be super helpful in getting up and ready with just a few customizations. I just spent an hour or two substituting the placeholder information with my real data and I’m ready to go! (hail JS community!).

Aside from the info substitution, for now, I just added this plugin to add canonical URLs for my posts. Since I’m planning to publish my posts on other platforms as well for now.

All the code and content of this blog lies in this public Github repo.

And last but not least, I’m using Netlify to deploy the website.

Final Words

I have plans to regularly post on this blog. But since it’s a really hard and time-consuming job for me as a full-time developer and a blogging newbie, I only aim to blog once a month for the time being.

I’m working on my actual first blog post and it will be published soon. It’s a tutorial on a React Native animation effect using both standard React Native Animated API and the new and fancy Reanimated v2 API.

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Written by Yasamin Yaldaei who works as a React Native developer Contact me!

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